Distributed Computing with Makeflow and Work Queue

1. Prerequisites

‘ssh’ will be used to connect to a remote job submit host. Please ensure you have a ssh client installed. The instructors will supply a slip of paper with username, password and hostname during the session.

This tutorial will also be linked to from our tutorial webpage: http://ccl.cse.nd.edu/software/tutorials/cyversecc18/

Our website is located at: http://ccl.cse.nd.edu/

You can get the slides from this talk there as well as additional material for our tools.

2. Cooperative Computing Lab

The CCL designs software that enables our collaborators to easily harness large scale distributed systems such as clusters, clouds, and grids. We perform fundamental computer science research that enables new discoveries through computing in fields such as physics, chemistry, bioinformatics, biometrics, and data mining.

The software suite we write and maintain is the CCTools software package.

  • Makeflow. A portable workflow manager. Link

  • Work Queue. A lightweight distributed execution system. Link

  • Parrot. A personal user-level virtual file system. Link

  • Chirp. A user-level distributed filesystem. Link

  • Specialized Software. A selection of applications tailored to specific compuation tasks.

2. Makeflow

Makeflow is a workflow system for executing large complex workflows on clusters, clouds, and grids.

  • Makeflow is easy to use. The Makeflow language is similar to traditional Make, so if you can write a Makefile, then you can write a Makeflow. A workflow can be just a few commands chained together, or it can be a complex application consisting of thousands of tasks. It can have an arbitrary DAG structure and is not limited to specific patterns.

  • Makeflow is production-ready. Makeflow is used on a daily basis to execute complex scientific applications in fields such as data mining, high energy physics, image processing, and bioinformatics. It has run on campus clusters, the Open Science Grid, NSF XSEDE machines, NCSA Blue Waters, and Amazon Web Services. Here are some real examples of workflows used in production systems:

  • Makeflow is portable. A workflow is written in a technology neutral way, and then can be deployed to a variety of different systems without modification, including local execution on a single multicore machine, public cloud services such as Amazon EC2 and Amazon Lambda, batch systems like HTCondor, SGE, PBS, Torque, SLURM, or the bundled Work Queue system. Makeflow can also easily run your jobs in a container environment like Docker or Singularity on top of an existing batch system. The same specification works for all systems, so you can easily move your application from one system to another without rewriting everything.

  • Makeflow is powerful. Makeflow can handle workloads of millions of jobs running on thousands of machines for months at a time. Makeflow is highly fault tolerant: it can crash or be killed, and upon resuming, will reconnect to running jobs and continue where it left off. A variety of analysis tools are available to understand the performance of your jobs, measure the progress of a workflow, and visualize what is going on.

2. Work Queue

Work Queue is a framework for building large master-worker applications that span thousands of machines drawn from clusters, clouds, and grids. Work Queue applications are written in C, Perl, or Python using a simple API that allows users to define tasks, submit them to the queue, and wait for completion. Tasks are executed by a standard worker process that can run on any available machine. Each worker calls home to the master process, arranges for data transfer, and executes the tasks. The system handles a wide variety of failures, allowing for dynamically scalable and robust applications.

Work Queue has been used to write applications that scale from a handful of workstations up to tens of thousands of cores running on supercomputers. Examples include Lobster, NanoReactors, ForceBalance, Accelerated Weighted Ensemble, the SAND genome assembler, the Makeflow workflow engine, and the All-Pairs and Wavefront abstractions. The framework is easy to use, and has been used to teach courses in parallel computing, cloud computing, distributed computing, and cyberinfrastructure at the University of Notre Dame, the University of Arizona, and the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire.

3. Makeflow Tutorial

This tutorial goes through the installation process of CCTools, the creation and running of a Makeflow, and how to use Makeflow in conjunction with Work Queue to leverage different execution resources for your execution. More information can be found a http://ccl.cse.nd.edu/. For specific information on Makeflow execution see http://ccl.cse.nd.edu/software/manuals/makeflow.html and Work Queue see http://ccl.cse.nd.edu/software/manuals/workqueue.html.

3.1. Running on Atmosphere/Jetstream

To start out we are going to launch an instance:

We are going to be using an Ubuntu instance with Docker already installed: Ubuntu 16.04 Devel and Docker v.1.13

Please note you should use images of at least Medium size.

Once the instance is up, we are going to add a few packages to allow for easy installation. Most of these packages are already installed on batch submission sites, but possibly not in all Jetstream instances.

$ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev g++

Additionally, we are going to add our current user to the docker group:

$ sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}

We are also going to install Singularity if you have not done so yet. This should be done using the provided ansible script:

$ ezs

After adding this log out and back in.

$ exit

Now re-open the in web-shell. Once you are logged back in, we are going to pull the docker image we will use today:

$ docker pull nekelluna/ccl_makeflow_examples
$ docker save -o mfe.tar nekelluna/ccl_makeflow_examples
$ singularity pull docker://nekelluna/ccl_makeflow_examples

Note: If you would like to test this out with Work Queue on another machine, now is a great time to launch and do these setup steps on each machine. Hint hint you should do this.

3.2. Download and Installation

Once you have a shell, download and install the CCTools software in your home directory in one of two ways:

To build our latest release:

$ wget http://ccl.cse.nd.edu/software/files/cctools-6.2.6-source.tar.gz
$ tar zxpvf cctools-6.2.6-source.tar.gz
$ cd cctools-6.2.6-source
$ ./configure --prefix $HOME/cctools --tcp-low-port 9000 --tcp-high-port 9500
$ make
$ make install
$ cd $HOME

If you use bash then do this to set your path:

$ export PATH=$HOME/cctools/bin:$PATH

If you use tcsh instead, then do this:

$ setenv PATH $HOME/cctools/bin:$PATH

Now double check that you can run the various commands, like this:

$ makeflow -v
$ work_queue_worker -v
$ work_queue_status

3.3. Getting Makeflow-Examples

As a good reference point for workflow design and examples we are going to use our Makeflow Examples repository.

$ git clone https://github.com/cooperative-computing-lab/makeflow-examples.git
  -- or --
$ wget https://github.com/cooperative-computing-lab/makeflow-examples/archive/master.zip

If you used wget to pull down the zip file remember to unzip and enter this directory:

$ unzip master.zip
$ mv master makeflow-examples
$ cd makeflow-examples

4.1. Makeflow Example

Let’s begin by using Makeflow to run a handful of simulation codes. First, make and enter a clean directory to work in inside of makeflow-examples:

$ cd $HOME/makeflow-examples
$ mkdir tutorial
$ cd tutorial

Download this program, which performs a highly sophisticated simulation of black holes colliding together:

$ wget http://ccl.cse.nd.edu/software/tutorials/cyversecc18/simulation.py

Try running it once, just to see what it does:

$ chmod 755 simulation.py
$ ./simulation.py 5

Now, let’s use Makeflow to run several simulations. Create a file called example.makeflow and paste the following text into it:

    LOCAL /bin/echo "Hello Makeflow!" > input.txt

output.1: simulation.py input.txt
    ./simulation.py 1 < input.txt > output.1

output.2: simulation.py input.txt
    ./simulation.py 2 < input.txt > output.2

output.3: simulation.py input.txt
    ./simulation.py 3 < input.txt > output.3

output.4: simulation.py input.txt
    ./simulation.py 4 < input.txt > output.4

To run it on your local machine, one job at a time:

$ makeflow example.makeflow -j 1

Note that if you run it a second time, nothing will happen, because all of the files are built:

$ makeflow example.makeflow
$ makeflow: nothing left to do

Use the -c option to clean everything up before trying it again:

$ makeflow -c example.makeflow

Here are some other options for built-in batch systems:

$ makeflow -T slurm example.makeflow
$ makeflow -T torque example.makeflow
$ makeflow -T sge example.makeflow

4.2. Running Makeflow with Work Queue

You will notice that a workflow can run very slowly if you submit each job individually. To get around this limitation, we provide the Work Queue system. This allows Makeflow to function as a master process that quickly dispatches work to remote worker processes.

$ makeflow -c example.makeflow
$ makeflow -T wq example.makeflow -p 0
listening for workers on port XXXX.

Now open up another shell and run a single worker process:

$ work_queue_worker crcfe01.crc.nd.edu XXXX

Go back to your first shell and observe that the makeflow has finished. Of course, remembering port numbers all the time gets old fast, so try the same thing again, but using a project name:

$ makeflow -c example.makeflow
$ makeflow -T wq example.makeflow -N project-$USER
listening for workers on port XXXX

Now open up another shell and run your worker with a project name:

$ work_queue_worker -N project-$USER

5. Using Containers with Makeflow

We are going to start using Containers in the Makeflow by showing the different configurations that we talked about in the slides. There is a simple, 1 rule, makeflow that we will use to show these:

    echo "hello, world!" > hello.out

The first configuration we discussed would be to run both the Makeflow and the Worker inside of container to allow for a consistent environment.

We will not do this here, as that is extremely similar to running in Atmosphere/Jetstream to begin with. This is great way to test out different software configurations when determining what is needed for a workflow and how different software will interact.

The second configuration is to run each task inside of separate containers. This configuration is useful for specializing the configuration each task uses and not assuming the execution site has any software requirements aside from docker or singularity.

Assuming we are wrapping each task in a container, there are two ways to do this in Makeflow. The first is to manually add the container to your command. This allows for precise control of how the task is executed and in which container this occurs. We will show this now:

We are going to look at what the hello-containers folder:

$ cd $HOME/makeflow-examples
$ cd hello-containers

Inside of the hello-containers folder, there is a python script, hello_world_creator.py, that will create a simple hello world example which uses a container:

To test with Docker:

$ python hello_world_creator.py --docker nekelluna/ccl_makeflow_examples

To test with Singularity

$ ln -s $HOME/ccl_makeflow_examples.simg ccl_makeflow_examples.simg
$ python hello_world_creator.py --singularity ccl_makeflow_examples.simg

After running these, look at hello_world.mf and see how the above run has been wrapped by the container command. Now we are just going to run this locally:

$ makeflow hello_world.mf -T local

Now, instead of wrapping each task by hand, we are going to assume that each task will use the same container. For this we will use Makeflow’s built in support for containers. We will assume that the above steps for either docker or singularity have been done:

$ cd $HOME/makeflow-examples
$ cd hello-world

We are going to start from the existing hello-world example. To run Makeflow with either docker or singularity we specify the container in the arguments:


$ ln -s $HOME/mfe.tar mfe.tar
$ makeflow hello_world.mf --docker=nekelluna/ccl_makeflow_examples --docker-tar=mfe.tar


$ ln -s $HOME/ccl_makeflow_examples.simg ccl_makeflow_examples.simg
$ makeflow hello_world.mf --singularity=ccl_makeflow_examples.simg

We have three additional examples that will work with the above provided container.

Each of these examples may have a small amount of setup to pull/compile the software needed.

5.1. BLAST in a Container

BLAST is a common bioinformatic application used for determining alignment of a query dataset with a known reference set. BLAST compares each line independently of each other, allowing for clear parallelism opportunities.

$ cd $HOME/makeflow-examples
$ cd blast

We use an older BLAST executable for this example, as this creation script has not been changed. These commands pull down the executable and a reference database.

$ wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables/legacy.NOTSUPPORTED/2.2.26/blast-2.2.26-x64-linux.tar.gz
$ tar xvzf blast-2.2.26-x64-linux.tar.gz
$ cp blast-2.2.26/bin/blastall .
$ wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/nt.44.tar.gz
$ mkdir nt
$ tar -C nt -xvzf nt.44.tar.gz

We are now going to generate a random data set to align with the reference:

$ ./fasta_generator 200 1000 > test.fasta

Based on the generated data, we will now write a makeflow:

$ ./makeflow_blast -d nt -i test.fasta -p blastn --num_seq 5 --makeflow blast_test.mf

Assuming you have already pulled the images needed for either singularity or docker we will run them similarly to how it was done above:


$ ln -s $HOME/mfe.tar mfe.tar
$ makeflow blast_test.mf --docker=nekelluna/ccl_makeflow_examples --docker-tar=mfe.tar


$ ln -s $HOME/ccl_makeflow_examples.simg ccl_makeflow_examples.simg
$ makeflow blast_test.mf --singularity=ccl_makeflow_examples.simg

5.2. BWA in a Container

BWA is similar to BLAST in that it is a bioinformatics tool that aligns a query dataset with a reference dataset. BWA does not operate on highly structured reference data like BLAST, but uses a fasta or fastq data file for both the query and reference.

$ cd $HOME/makeflow-examples
$ cd bwa

We will download and compile the software:

$ git clone https://github.com/lh3/bwa bwa-src
$ cd bwa-src
$ make
$ cp bwa ..
$ cd ..

Create the data we will use for the analysis:

$ ./fastq_generate.pl 10000 1000 > ref.fastq
$ ./fastq_generate.pl 1000 100 ref.fastq > query.fastq

The first line creates the reference dataset and the second will create a query dataset based on a portion of the provided reference dataset. This allows us to guarantee there will be some overlap and data analysis at each step for this example.

Now we will create the makeflow based on the input dataset:

$ ./make_bwa_workflow --ref ref.fastq --query query.fastq --num_seq 100 > bwa.mf

Again assuming that the docker and singularity images have been pulled down, run the makeflow:


$ ln -s $HOME/mfe.tar mfe.tar
$ makeflow bwa.mf --docker=nekelluna/ccl_makeflow_examples --docker-tar=mfe.tar


$ ln -s $HOME/ccl_makeflow_examples.simg ccl_makeflow_examples.simg
$ makeflow bwa.mf --singularity=ccl_makeflow_examples.simg

5.3. Text Analysis in a Container

The test analysis example that we are providing is a simple makelfow that analyzes a set of Shakespeare’s plays. This workflow gives an example of using Makeflow to parallelize a text search through a collection of William Shakespeare’s plays. Makeflow will download the plays, package up the version of Perl at the location Makeflow is running, and run a text analysis Perl script in parallel to figure out which character had the most dialogue out of the plays selected.

$ cd $HOME/makeflow-examples
$ cd shakespeare

This workflow relys on Perl and CCTools being installed, so there is no further setup needed.


$ ln -s $HOME/mfe.tar mfe.tar
$ makeflow shakespeare.makeflow --docker=nekelluna/ccl_makeflow_examples --docker-tar=mfe.tar


$ ln -s $HOME/ccl_makeflow_examples.simg ccl_makeflow_examples.simg
$ makeflow shakespeare.makeflow --singularity=ccl_makeflow_examples.simg